Here at Beam we are convinced that people are inherently good. This optimistic outlook is one of our five core values and it informs our approach to everything we do 🙌
We believe that every homeless person has the ability to regain control of their future. We also believe that the more fortunate amongst us want to help them on that path.
But choosing which organisation to give to can be a daunting task. As of this year, there are more than 471,000 social enterprises and 168,000 charities in the UK alone. So the fact that you have chosen to support Beam means the world to us. Without you we could not do what we do and - without wanting to sound self-absorbed - we think what we do is very important. Empowering homeless people is how we build a society where everyone can achieve their potential.
To honour your commitment to our cause, we always strive to be fully transparent with you. Donating your hard-earned money is a big decision and you deserve to know exactly how it is being used.
That is why we have created our brand new Transparency Dashboard - a one-stop resource where you can learn all about Beam! 💡✨

You may already know that a huge 90% of your donation is spent on our members. But we want you to have more insight than that. Curious how much money we have raised so far? We’ve got you. Want to know the exact amount that we spend on staff costs? It’s there. Eager to find out where most of our referrals come from or how many of our homeless members are minorities? That’s all covered, too.
The Transparency Dashboard allows you to learn more about our successes and failures, and to hold us accountable. Transparency always has been and always will be at the core of our work, and this is our way of showing it to you.

Here’s a little spoiler to give you an idea of how the interactive tool works. But there’s much more information on the page, so head over and see what you think. We would love to hear your feedback about this new feature and the things we have achieved so far.
If you have any thoughts, suggestions or constructive criticism you can reach us over on our Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. We’d love to hear from you - just as we believe in educating our members, we see every day as an opportunity to improve by learning from our community. Â
Thank you for being a Beam supporter and for helping us fulfil our mission to find long-term solutions to homelessness. No problem is too complex to be solved if we work together to create real change.